B&Q is the new soft play…

I had to go to B&Q this week and I took Hen and Tobes. I thought it’s a place that they would like as it’s full of many weird and wonderful things for the average 3 year old and under.

It was a windy and rainy day but Hen still didn’t see this as a reason to wear his coat so I didn’t force the issue as I thought, ‘It’s okay, he’ll tell me if he’s cold.’ We parked, got out of the car and walked to get a trolley. Tobes (who will not bend in the middle) is doing amazingly well at developing strategies to keep himself out of the trolley seat as long as possible so this simple task of putting the baby in the seat takes at least 10 mins. 10 mins of him holding onto the sides of the seat and refusing to sit, him shouting NO!!!!!!!!!! as loud as possible but I think his best skill is not bending in the middle which makes getting him in any seated position he doesn’t want to virtually impossible. I eventually got him by saying ‘Oh look at that police car!’ and then sliding him in as he strained to look.

I punch the air and say ‘Yes!’ Mummy 1, Tobes 0. Until I found out that the lap belt was broken at which point Hen said ‘I want my coat on!’ So I quickly tied Toby’s belt to the trolley (in the name of safety but I’m not sure where in the official parenting guide it says it’s okay to tie your son to the trolley) so he then erupts as I quickly push the trolley back to the car to get Hen’s coat….  

All buttoned up we go into the shop and Hen realises that he’s on the security TV and wants us to walk back and wave. We do and we smile and he’s right -there we are smiling and waving on the overhead TV. Then I see the assistant smirking and I look sheepish and he just says ‘It’s alright, you’ll be on U-tube in 10 mins…..

They love the size of the shop the variety of things on offer and, as Hen liked to point out loudly and often, the fact that Bob the builder really could be there. We looked at the curtain poles, the coat hooks and lovingly admired the mini Toy Story lava lamp –we managed to not come home with –and the bathroom displays had Toby shouting ‘wee wee!’

Henry found a bed he liked but both boys were waning when I suggested that we look at the fire places so we made a quick diversion into the cafe. Whilst I was queuing I heard giggles and shouts so turned round to find Hen and Tobes jumping up and down on the sofas they had chosen for us to sit on when I did my best stern mummy look Henry just said ‘It’s alright mummy , we’ve taken our shoes off!’ I wasn’t sure whether to be angry or upset or even slightly proud at their thought to take off their shoes…

We ate our biscuits and drank our drinks then finished the trip by looking at the fireplaces. Tobes was out of the trolley -still from the cafe -and he knew I’d never get him back in so I chased him about for a few mins and we left.

I had a great time and I could see the boys did. We didn’t see Bob although Henry did his best to find him and the numerous amounts of men in checked shirts certainly confused him. We could have gone to soft play but I chose B&Q and I think we’ll do it again. It’s colourful, makes their brain think and, I think this is the best bit, it’s free!

About littlewhitecottage

Emma is a qualified teacher with 14 years of teaching in many different settings. From teaching adults and children at a music school to choosing to work in a demanding primary school that was failing (which meant moving from an outstanding school – her colleagues were aghast!) to running her own sewing business for the last 5 ½ years teaching all ages how to sew: Emma loves to teach.
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4 Responses to B&Q is the new soft play…

  1. phrogmom says:

    this sounds fun! what is b & q?

  2. Hi!
    B&Q is a really big ‘Do It Yourself’ shop where you can buy anything from bathrooms to bedroom furniture, screws, curtain poles and wood.

    A great place if you have a young mind!

  3. phrogmom says:

    gotcha, yes, our two.5 year-old does like to run around our version of said store!

  4. Rachel Lane says:

    Hahaha if only there was an official partenting guide! x

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